Gum Disease affects your whole body!
A recent study in a prominent cancer journal found that men with a history of gum disease are 14 percent more likely to develop cancer than men with healthy gums. In fact, researchers uncovered that men with periodontal disease may be:
- 49 percent more likely to develop kidney cancer
- 54 percent more likely to develop pancreatic cancer
- 30 percent more likely to develop blood cancers
People with periodontal disease may be at 2-3 times the risk of having a stroke (brain attack) compared to people without periodontitis.
Periodontal organisms might be associated with the development of preeclampsia. A dangerous condition that occurs in pregnant women.
The bacteria of periodontal disease can be found in the atherosclerotic plaque of coronary artery disease (these plaques clog the hearts blood vessels and lead to heart attack.)
People with deep periodontal pockets had an increased risk for abnormal changes on their EKG’s. (A common test to examine the electrical activity of the heart.)
Periodontal diseases may contribute to the progression to prediabetes. Researchers found that having periodontal disease can cause someone to develop prediabetic characteristics, and probably disturb the glucose regulation of a non-diabetic who has prediabetic characteristics, contributing to the progression of Type 2 diabetes.
12 studies provide direct evidence of the association between pulmonary (lung) infection and oral diseases.
It has been found that diabetes and periodontal disease can lead to atherosclerosis.
Women with periodontal disease were at a greater risk for having a low birth weight and preterm birth babies than those without periodontal disease
Bacteria commonly found in the mouth and associated with periodontal diseases can be found in the amniotic fluid of some pregnant women.
79% of the women with untreated periodontal disease had delivered a preterm low birth weight baby compared to only 7.5% of the periodontally treated women and 4.1% of the healthy women.